Saturday, November 12, 2011

Narritive Homework

During summer something halarious happened to me. It was on july 2010, we went to a cascade to visit because it was a really big one and everyone wanted to see it. When we got there we had to get on a kayak and row there. When we got there, we got permission to get off of the kayak, we stated swimming around, it was so much fun. But when it was time to go to another part of the river, we had to get on the kayak again. One by one everyone was getting on. At the end it was only my borther and I left to get on. My brother goes first, it took him a few minutes, but luckly he got on. when it was my turn, I just could not get on the kayak. I was tring for like 3 minutes and i just could not get on. Everyone was laughing and at the end I was laughing too. Finally my dad and his friend helped me up. It was a emabarrising moment but also it was also the most halarious moment of my life. the kayaking was also alot of work, but at the end, it all paid up. the cascade was so beautiful and it was an amazing adventure.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

quiz for november 5, 2011

one event that happened when i was small was a time i went to the fair. i was really small like around 10 years old. i went to the fair and i wanted to get on this dragon like thing, but i sount get on because i was too small. That day I was so mad because it was the only ride I wanted to get on. It was so unfair, everyone was getting on it except me, it was just not fair.